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李晓 副教授

作者: | 发布日期:2017-09-26| 浏览次数:





  1.  基本情况

    博士 硕士生导师 副教授




  2. 教育背景

    2012/09 – 2017/09 香港理工大学会计金融学院 会计学 博士

    2008/09 – 2012/06 山东大学管理学院 管理学 学士


  3. 工作经历

    2020/11 – 至今 bwin必赢登录入口 副教授

    2017/09 – 2020/11 bwin必赢登录入口 讲师


  4. 主要讲授课程





  5. 学术研究兴趣与领域



  6. 主要科研成果

    Financial reporting and trade credit: Evidence from mandatory IFRS adoption” with Jeff Ng and Walid Saffar. Contemporary Accounting Research, forthcoming


    “Executive compensation and conflict between shareholders and creditors: Evidence from creditor litigation”. China Journal of Accounting Research (2020) 13 (4):405-424


    “The impact of economic policy uncertainty on insider trades: A cross-country analysis”. Journal of Business Research (2020) 119:41-57. (Solo author)


    "Information shocks and corporate cash policies" with CS Agnes Cheng and Yuan Huang. Journal of International Accounting Research (2020) 19:1, 5-28


    "Economic policy uncertainty and corporate cash policy: International evidence". Journal of Accounting and Public Policy 38 (2019) 106694. (Solo author)


    "Preference for appearance over substance and corporate investment" with Boochun Jung, Woo-Jong Lee, Jing Zhou. Asia-Pacific Journal of Financial Studies (2019) 48:236–268


    Information content of annual earnings announcements: A comparative study” with Yuan Huang, China Accounting and Finance Review (2014) 16(2):171-182.


  7. 主持课题



主持Bwin体育亚洲官网“青年教师发展基金”,2017 2019


  1. 社会兼职

2017-至今,担任Bwin体育亚洲官网学报、Journal of Corporate FinanceJournal of Accounting, Auditing and FinanceJournal of Contemporary Accounting and Economics等期刊匿名审稿人。